The PrimeTimers is a club for our family of parishes members, singles or couples, who are 50 and up. Our goal is to provide for the spiritual, social, and educational needs of our members and to give service to the broader community. All families of parishes aged 50+ are welcome to join. Annual dues are only $10 per person. Parishioners are welcome to attend a meeting to see if they would like to join. Meetings are at St. James unless otherwise specified.
Please join us for our annual soup and sandwich luncheon at noon. The cost is $5.00 per person unless you bring a Crockpot of homemade soup - then it is free. Send your check payable to 50+ to: Marge Jonesku, 234 Winslow Circle, Commerce Township, 48390. Call Pat Woody at 847-217-0515 to sign up for soup. You may also pay/sign up at the January meeting.
Also- wear your Detroit Lions attire to celebrate their amazing season.
Come to the St James Parish Hall for a traditional St Joseph’s Day Polish luncheon at noon. There is a $15.00 per person charge for lunch. Please send your check payable to 50+ to: Marge Jonesku, 234 Winslow Circle, Commerce Township, 48390. Please wear something red in honor of St Joseph. We will hear from Father Ed who will tell us some interesting facts about St Joseph. Wear red in honor of St Joseph.